Archive for April, 2012

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Embodiment! Huh, I’m in my body, aren’t I? Doesn’t that mean I’m embodied?

Embodiment. A term that has been thrown around a lot lately, at least in some circles.  I know that there have been many times where I have mentioned embodiment to a diverse group of people or to someone not in the healing field and I’m met with a question, or hopefully, several questions? What is that? Or, What do you mean by that? And, what’s it for, I mean like-Why?  Okay, let me explain:

The body that we have been given is part of our illusion. It is the shared manifestation that we have created here on earth to Continue reading

Or should I say, some benefits. The list of benefits goes on and on and I’m sure I will speak on more of them in future posts. But for now, here are a few.

My last post was me sharing my healing journey. I want my clients and future clients to know that I teach what I know, not just what I’m taught.  Personally, I will only go to a therapist that has actually experienced the techniques/tools/ideas/beliefs etc. that they themselves have experienced.  Can you image going to a massage therapist that has never received a massage, a hypnotist that has never been hypnotized?  So why do so many people go to licensed and trained therapists that have never been in therapy? Continue reading

Alright, here it is, the first post in my new blog.  I am not a writer, I’m not a blogger. But here I am writing and blogging. WHY? Because I have a lot to share. I have a lot to offer.  I hope that by sharing my story, sharing my beliefs, giving you my feelings, thoughts and views on self growth, on current topics, on stuff that is bugging me at any given time will help to illuminate my life and yours too. Who knows, maybe with enough practice

I will become a writer. I will become a blogger. Maybe we can look back at these first posts and laugh. Trust me, I will be laughing with you, I already am just at the idea that I’m going to give this a go. Continue reading